This particular client is a very sweet lady who has all her paper work in order. She highlights the pertinent information in yellow so it's easy to find. There is nothing complicated about their return and they have been among the most pleasant people I deal with. I found it difficult to ask the questions I had to in order to get the return filed. All our returns are quality checked by another person, and I got Eileen to to the review because I felt she would be the most compassionate. Eileen did a thorough check of the return then took considerable time counseling the lady on the tax situation she will fall into in two years. We finished all the paper work and the lady left. Eileen went into the staff lounge, coming out a few minutes later with red eyes.
I'm grateful that the client was able to hold herself together so well, though there were times when I could see her close to tears. I'm happy to be working with people like Eileen who will go above ad beyond to help someone.
This could be the story of any of us at our age and I hope that we're all doing our best to be the best we can be while enjoying life to the fullest. Life is short.
life is short..and god bless you and your co-workers for being so kind!!..I am sure it was greatly appreciated!
ReplyDeleteYour so right Paul, I always prided myself on being able to pick people out with character and values, and I must say without hesitation, that on meeting you & Helen, you both fit into that group,Your compassion for your fellow man & beast is exceeded only by the efforts you put forth to acheive this in life.We are truly proud to have you guys as friends, Sam & Donna.