Sunday, December 11, 2011


Yes sir eee!!! Another glorious day in Mexico. The weather has been perfect, cool nights and warm days. We have had the windows open continually for weeks. The dogs have a great time at the beach and..........the dogs have a great time at the beach. I noticed that the fish stores down here sell snook, and excellent fish that is a game fish in Florida. There are closed seasons and size limits in Florida. Here, they are just another fish. On the east coast of Florida they often fish for snook in the surf as night falls and I figured that I'd give it a try. I brought a surf rod that I bought a few years ago specifically to snook fish with my brother, but never got to use it. A few nights ago I set it up and took a few lures down to the beach at dusk. I cast and cast until my arms could take no more. Unfortunately, that was only about ten or twelve casts. I can remember casting all night for striped bass and bluefish on Cape Cod and it was only....let me see.....oh.....more than 30 years ago. That's when I was in my thirties and didn't have arthritis in my elbow and shoulder. Damn!!! I'm going to have to stick with my smaller fishing rods or go to (ugh) bait fishing where I cast once and let the fish come to the bait.

I'm still waiting for the last panel to be replaced on the motorhome. I was told earlier in the week that they would come Saturday afternoon at cinco to install it. Of course they did not show. I drove up to their shop in La Cruz to prod them into action. They were working on it and assured me that they would have it back this afternoon. The stereotype of the lazy Mexican doesn't apply around here. These guys are working seven days a week and have a lot of work to do, thanks to the crazy/aggressive Mexican drivers. When I get the body work completed I will post before and after pictures.

When I said "another day in paradise", I was being a bit sarcastic. The weather is beautiful, but we have been warned that it will soon turn cold here and most everyone we've seen in the park will be heading south soon. A week from today we will pull up the anchor and travel about 400 miles to Hacienda Contrera, where we will spend some time and get to meet Kevin and Ruth. We've heard from the owners and understand that they have a large fenced area for the dogs, so Helen and I will be able to get away for a day. It has been difficult to see very much beyond the campground and beach when the dogs require so much care. We walk them and feed them and walk them again. Then we can get to Mazatlan for a few hours. From the campground we can visit Mazatlan and La Cruz, a small inland community, but there is not really a lot to see or do around here. Besides that, Helen and I are more nomadic, RARELY staying in one place for more than a week. We will give more thought to campgrounds with more day trip options.

So after three weeks at Celestino RV Resort, we are more than ready to move on. We have met some extremely nice and interesting people and we've had our adventure in the mud. Now to head east and south, over hills and around bends to another adventure.


  1. Hope you get fixed soon and on your way...would hate to see you get cabin fever. Our roof is finally done, yeah! now the gutters. Having the girls is like having a child, you can only leave them alone so long, Riggs can get into so much by himself,can't imagine 3 bored ones, labs can be so needy sometimes. Enjoy Kevin and Ruth, give 'em a hug for us.

  2. hope you have fun with Kevin and Ruth!!!

  3. Looking forward to seeing you! You'll probably get to Hacienda Contreras before we do, but guaranteed we'll be there by the 21st!
